Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13 - Romance is in the air

Look into that man's soulful eyes and tell me you're not in love. I dare you.

Wednesday trivia is upon us again, and we are all set for a fun night of trivia - but this isn't our standard trivia tonight. Rather, we are doing our newest THEMED TRIVIA, and that theme IS...

Love and Romance.

All questions will be loosely based around Valentine's Day, which is happening tomorrow. We use the holiday and what it stands for as a jumping off point for what to ask. Seeing as how you see hearts everywhere, we COULD ask a question literally about the human heart. Or a question about chocolate. Or a question about sexy adult-contemporary artists. Make sense?

IMAGE ROUND - Celebrity/Famous love triangles. We will picture two different people, and you need to tell us who the common thread is between them. EXAMPLE: Should you see a picture of Edward Cullen and Jacob Werewolfenstein (apologies, I do not know his last name - you know, from Twilight), your answer SHOULD be Bella Swan. I don't believe we have many fictional couples - for the most part they are real people we are looking for.

SOUND ROUND - Songs about kissing. Keeping it simple today, folks.

We will have goodies and whatnot to give out, as well as prizes for first, second, and third place, as per usual. Joe and Mike are hosting tonight, as Noah is on the disabled list for this evening. He should be back next week!

7PM start time, FREE as always! Bring your friends! Or your enemies! Its Valentine's Day - let love grow!

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